Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Adding Ubuntu to the domain and then modifying sudoers to enable a group to gain access

I found this in a couple of different places and decided to put it together into one place. I did this for the linux servers I am managing so that I didn’t have to keep track of usernames and passwords and make sure everything was in sync and got changed when needed. Luckily I am running Ubuntu, which made this even easier:

Here is the process to add a linux machine running ubuntu to a domain:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install likewise-open
sudo domainjoin-cli join fqdn.of.your.domain Administrator
sudo update-rc.d likewise-open defaults
sudo /etc/init.d/likewise-open start

Now to modify the system to allow any user in a specified group on the domain access to sudo do the following:

sudo visudo

Go down to:
#Members of the Admin group may gain root privileges and do the following:
%(domain)\\(group) ALL=(ALL) ALL

This will allow the members of that group to sudo any command on the system.

/etc/samba/lwiauthd.conf: add line

“winbind use default domain = yes”

sudo /etc/init.d/likewise-open restart

then you can log in as “USER” instead of “DOMAIN\USER”

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